Monday, May 5, 2014

No Pictures Please

I am requesting that no pictures be posted for this event.  Reason, you would have your heart ripped out to see a beautiful and classy cruiser motorcycle parked in the garage with a fat, gray headed old man looking at it and crying with tears dripping off his mustache bigger than gumdrops.  Why is this occurring you ask?  Well, it's because I am in the process of tearing down my old deck and rebuilding it.  I have it torn down with exception of the two boards that have steps attached (and they come down tomorrow morning).  Lumber has been purchased and stained for the new frame and is in the garage bracketing Sweet Thang.

I've ordered the new planking, matching screws and step risers which should be deliver within 10 days.  In the mean time I will caulk cracks in the posts and paint them to match decking and frame wood, caulk the seam where the planking meets the brick of the house and then start frame construction.

I've had three friends, regular riding buddy Paul, friend Dan, and friend Terry invite me on rides for the next three or four days, several over 200 mile trips.  I had to decline all of them.  Why, because I have to build a deck.  Oh yes, and the rain stopped this afternoon and the weather is going to be great for the next few days.

So there will be no further ride reports or travel tales until I get the deck framed and the planking on unless the planking is delayed in which I shall take advantage of the delay and ride, cowboy ride.

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