Saturday, October 26, 2019

Scottie's and The Devil's Triangle

Wednesday, 10-23-19, 8:30 a.m., Temp is 43.  All suited up and ready to meet Paul at the Exxon Station on Boyds Creek Hwy. about a mile from the house.  Meet up time is 9:00 so that will allow me a cup of coffee before we ride.

A look at the morning in front of the house as I start the ride.
A very blue sky and a great day to ride.
I never try to remember all of the street and road names that we take when I follow Paul.  He does all of the work so my GPS is there just in case and if I need to depart.  Then I just punch HOME and off I go.

We're on the James White Parkway and looking at the two tallest buildings in Knoxville.  We took a bunch of back roads and streets so we could skirt the city portion.

Along one of the streets we came upon these silos without tops.  They must have already shot the missiles.
Nice green route at this point.  Color of leaves will start to appearing soon.
Here we are back on some back roads heading toward Carryville and Scottie's for a brunch.

Riding parallel to a stream.

Now this is a very large bridge.  During the trip we crossed several one lane bridges and when I say one lane, I mean barely one lane.
Houses along the river.  Little wheels turning, keep on churning.
We get a chance to see a lot of changing environment in our rides.
 All of a sudden the foliage seems to disappear and here before you are walls of granite and limestone.
We ran parallel to I-75 for a while and then got on it for a spell.  Not much traffic at this time today.  Crank it up and clean the carbon out.

Mountains on the horizon beckoning for some activity.  Just you wait, for we shall be there shortly after a pancake and some coffee.
 Scottie's, where the pancakes are made in a form and are about 1/2 inch thick.  Friendly bunch that comes in and out of here.  Good coffee also.
After the brunch we head back down I-75 for a few miles and then we hit TN 116 for the exciting portion of the ride.

We turn off the interstate and start for The Devil's Triangle.  This is another notable ride in East TN with lots of curves and several good switchbacks.  Not a road for a novice.
Thus we begin the run down The Devil's Triangle.  It will be more of a picture tour with a few words thrown in from time to time.  I hope you enjoy the scenery as much as we did.

The higher you climb the mountain the more you see the foliage changing seasons.

Lots of curves like this along this route.

Love the changing colors.  My favorite time of the year, Fall.

There are few houses along the route and sometimes you can hear the banjos playing.

It's roads and colors like this that make riding a motorcycle so enjoyable.

Low, as I ride through the valley of death, except this is the mountain of death, I pray that I make it without mishap.

A small cemetery almost not seen from the highway.  Seems very lonely there.

The little white church in the woods.
Highway repairs so we had to stop for a few minutes.  That's Mr. Paul in front of me.  Typical state job, the sign to stop was leaning against the front of the truck, the guy that was suppose to be holding it was back a few feet shooting the bull with a workmate.

Lonely old silo to an old farm.  It has seen its better days.

Some nice cruising along the way.

After a stop at an old General Store we were ushered out quickly as the owner had to close the store so he could do his school bus route.  So off we went again heading homeward.

I wonder who took the cars off the trunnions?  May have been the spares.
Now we're on I-140 East bound and crossing the TN River.
Running on Northside Drive near the marina.
On I-140 heading home.

Home and the mountains are off in the distance as we get nearer to home.  It has been a good day, great weather, and beautiful scenery.  I enjoy riding with my ole buddy Paul.  Between the two of us there's 158 years.  Our motto is, "Don't quit".

We had a great day.  Passed Brushy Mtn. State Prison which is now a museum.  Door to door, 196 miles of great riding.  Ride/drive safe my friends.

So, until the next Valkyrie Adventure, enjoy the fruits of the Fall, the festivals in your area and come up and see us sometime.  And don't forget to thank God for what you have.