Wednesday, May 9, 2013, another good day to ride. That means the sun is out, the sky mostly blue and no rain forecast. Good temps to roll those wheels. Left about 10:00 a.m. riding today with Wendy again and her trike. She seems to have a good handle on the trike as she rode an older model before trading it for this one.
We made our way out to I-40 via John Sevier Hwy. to Alcoa Hwy. Construction on a leg of the Alcoa made it a bit slower but nevertheless we made it. Another two years on that project.
We ran I-40 West toward Nashville. Our destination would be Crossville, TN, about an hour and a half from Seymour. Was going to show Wendy the infamous Tree House.

Clinch River Power Station, a TVA site near Kingston, TN. Nice view as you look North from I-40.

The stretch of I-40 from Knoxville to Nashville is a very pretty ride. Lots of rolling hills and then you climb the mountain to the Plateau. Crossville is on the Plateau. Besides farming, this area is also known for its stone quarries.

Starting the climb to the Plateau. It occurs in a couple of steps and is a hard pull for 18-wheelers.

It was a very nice ride today with just a moderate amount of traffic to deal with. Easy riding.
Lots of changes in the scenery along the way. Cuts through the mountains, valleys, etc., make the ride very scenic.

We got to Crossville and made the necessary turns to get to the Tree House. We finally arrived after riding a short distance on a gravel road at the end of the pavement. You can no longer go up to or on the structure. It's an interesting story about the place so Google "Crossville Treehouse" if you're interested. Last I heard it is over 10,000 square feet in area at multiple levels and contains some 286,000 nails.
The Treehouse site has been fenced off and the gate area now has boards in place and this sign installed. Apparently after it was shut down from the public, the public started using the area for other reasons.

Wendy turning around at the end of the road.
We rode back up and across I-40 for a lunch break. Cracker Barrel to me is about like a Holiday Inn, pretty much can count on it being okay wherever they are located.
This bridge is found in Cumberland State Park just a short ride from our lunch spot. Looks sort of like the Roman Aquaduct structures, just lower.

We took Hwy. 68 back toward Seymour riding it off the Plateau.
Beautiful farm land up on the Plateau.
An easy ride with some scenic views as an extra added attraction.
STUFF for sale, almost any kind of stuff you might be interested in.
We clipped along at a good pace and later arrived at Lenoir City where we would be crossing over the TN River on the newly constructed that seemed to take forever bridge.
The Locks on the TN River.
We zipped along to Maryville where we would take US411 back to Seymour.

Back toward the house, hay in the field awaiting the mowing machine and eventually the baler. Spring rains and sunshine has made this a good season for hay. Maybe another three-cutting year if Mother Nature cooperates.
We had a very good day of riding. Total mileage was 202 miles door to door. No incidents, good roads and nice miles. Another good day for motorcyclists.
It was enjoyable to have such a good ride today. I hope you that read these little stories will take the time to do similar or like things with your family and/or friends. We pass through this world only one time in the flesh. It is much better to enjoy yourself than to abuse it. Ride/drive safe until the next Adventure.
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