Saturday morning, 11 a.m., meet up with Paul at the gym for a ride. Temp was about 43 and high today was around 60. We were going to meet Terry at Maryville HD and Terry was going to lead us on a ride covering some of his favorite back roads. These included roads from Maryville to Lenoir City where he lives, up into the 1% neighborhoods of Knoxville and then we would part our ways back to the house. It was a very windy day, all day long.

A fallow field which will be planted again in the Spring. Earth tones, brown field, blue sky.
The area we rode first included a lot of very large dairy farms, cattle ranches and crop fields. Although I think the Government has installed two missile silos at this dairy as a disguise.
Yep, there are two of them for sure. We're a lot safer around here than you would figure.
Just nice straight out riding. Kind of let it hang out a bit. Starting to get back with one and the machine.
A few miles later we're on a very narrow two lane road, more like a lane and a half and the forward speed is adjusted accordingly.
Apparently the cold ground the the cold wind does not deter the amount of milk they give twice a day. Or maybe they're just taking a rest break.

This is an up ramp for those that like to make a few whoop de doos, i.,. make your stomach feel funny.
Along the roads through the woods to Grandmother's house. Sure hope that big bad Wolf isn't lurking by the road.

Just a little erosion problem in the pasture but hasn't lost a cow yet.

And friend, that is not a standard 1800 sq. ft. house off in the distance and mowing this yard will take more than a gallon of gas.
Just follow the curve, remember, follow the curve.
This ride is almost like a Western Cowboy riding the fence line.
Although there's not very much green, it just doesn't get much better than this on a winter's day.

Back to riding fence. I wonder how much white paint it takes to do this fence?

We rode among the fingers of the TN River. No skinny dipping today.

Meandering along on some more back roads before we got to the high dollar area.

Nice hillside farm. If the buildings would have had brown roofs they would have blended into the environment.
An old, but graceful farm house.

The hedges on each side of the road are trimmed to fence post height. Trimming is by a tractor with an elevated bushhog on a hydraulic boom. Not even a bad bull could get through there.

Back along the TN River and the bridge crossing over it near Lenoir City.

Terry and Paul heading for the bridge. This has been a rather long project. There is a set of locks here as well as a Hydro Generating Dam.
That mushroom sticking up in the park is an impeller from one of the units.
Back to another winter back road. Color pallet needed, blue and grays.
The Three Amigos stopped for a pit stop, break and nourishments at a local Wiegel's convenience store. Terry is far right, Paul in the middle and Redbug minus its rider.

After our break we rode through a nice neighborhood with a park that was along the lake. Lots of joggers, dog walkers and 3 old bikers.

This is just one of the large homes in the area. Just a wee tad bit larger than my house but with a lot higher tax bill.
From here we meandered over to Chapman Hwy., US 441 where we split for the house. I stopped off at Arby's for a couple of sandwiches to take back to the house for Lupper. My Frunk, the storage compartment where a gas tank usually is on a motorcycle, keeps it nice and warm.
It was good to take a ride today especially since it was with Paul and Terry. We have ridden together several times and enjoy the company as well as the miles. Although it was really windy and still pretty chilly, my new thermals and winter outters kept me snug as a bug in a rug.
Door to door for me was 117 miles of great fun and joy. As you read this, I hope, my wish is for safety for you and yours along with peace and contentment. Until the next Valkyrie Adventure, ride/drive safe. The life you save may be mine.
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