It is Tuesday morning, Jan. 24, 2017, 9:30 a.m. Temps are in the mid 40s and no rain scheduled for the day. And it's time to ride. Let me repeat myself, it's time to ride. I have not ridden my bike in 3 1/2 months due to a broken leg. But now, it's test time. Doc, and a pretty one she is, said that it is okay, just take it easy. So I called my old riding buddy and let him know but to pick out some good roads with the least amount of shifting necessary. And that he did. Meet up at Exxon (which is now closed) on Boyds Creek at 9:45 a.m. Redbug and I were ready.
At the appointed time Paul rode up and off we went heading northeast to peak out around Greenville, TN by way of a some good back roads. I can't begin to tell you how refreshing it was to get back on the bike. And, I had some new winter under garments and neck warmer to wear on this rather chilly day. And they really felt good and kept me snug all day long.
We were going to meet another rider at Burger King in Kodak but there was a miscommunication as to the day so we pulled out at 10:30 for our day's ride. Outside of my subdivision the sky looked a bit dreary. The day before it was so foggy you couldn't see and with a heavy frost. The ever changing weather.
One of my old barns is slowly falling to the ground. I love these old barns but like everything else, without some TLC they start falling apart.

And as usual, I could not resist my old Island View School House. It too, is slowly crumbling.

Just past the school is another old collapsing farm house and barn. Seems to be the story for this area.
Up near Dandridge, TN we run along the side of Douglas Lake. As you can see, it is very low. They lowered it a lot during the Spring and Summer to work on the dam and then the drought hit. Even though it has rained a lot here, it will be a long time before all of the lakes get back full again.
Moderately damp roadway in some areas but very little traffic which made it nice to ride and look.

This barn is in good shape and filled with rolls of hay. A lot of farmers have been feeding out their hay a lot earlier than usual and since they only got two cuttings, hay is becoming a good commodity to have. Rolls or bales.

As I looked toward the sky I just pleaded for it to not rain on my day, my first ride of the year and my first ride in several months.
This patriotic homeplace had Old Glory hoisted to the top and the wind had it standing straight out. Nice breeze most of the day.
Coming into downtown Newport, TN on our way NE.
I can see my mountains, well our mountains, off in the distance. Even with the gray sky and the low clouds they still look great.

They, the mountains, come in many shapes and sizes but it seems there are enough for everyone. Or at least to look at and enjoy.
The French Broad River, like several others due to the rain, is running deep and wide with more rain coming, maybe even some snow.
Nice sweeper curve, but just easing along and taking it easy.

I title this along with some other pictures, "Keeping America Beautiful".
What is normally a waterfall here, the river is racing along with such a volume of water that it looks more like a small rapid.
After a bit we pulled into a small roadside deli for a cup of coffee. Friendly folks own the place. Seems to be one of our usual stopping places.
Redbug and the Ghost parked in front of the coffee stop.
Across the street is the Del Rio, TN USPS. By the way, we were downtown Del Rio.
Turned around and took a pic of Paul readying to mount his trusty steed to continue the ride.

Some road scenes along the way to Bulls Gap, TN.

The roads were a little damp as we were not long behind a rain.
Another old structure that is now just a pile of kindling.
Hamburgers on the hoof.
Did I mention that TN has a lot of churches? Well, they do, and cemeteries too.
If that mountain was located in South Louisiana it would be a levee or a Red Ant Hill.
An elegant place along our way.

This is a building in downtown Bulls Gap, TN.

Another old building there. I didn't see anyone about to ask what the building was used for. Maybe a school house or a factory of some kind.

Buildings on our way out of Bulls Gap.
This large old farm house was just outside of Bulls Gap, TN.
Easing along some eroded roadway. This is is where you keep your eyes on the road.

Up a hill, down a hill, around a curve to the left then around one to the right. Ever changing terrain and letting it hang out every once in a while.
A church of a different structure style and denomination. But still a pretty church.
A large old house falling away amongst the grasses and bushes. Tales it could tell if it could talk.
Looking out over a valley as we head back to the house.

This while rail fence seemed to run for miles, lighting up our way in the on again off again sunshine.
I guess you could title this as "The House On The Hill". Big place, big piece of property.
I wonder how much paint it would take to keep this fence pretty and white?

The clouds got heavier as we headed back to the house but still no rain. That would probably come tonight. In the meantime, we had a great day to ride. I felt great and it felt great to get back on two wheels. Today's ride for me totaled 158 miles and I averaged 78.2 miles to the gallon. I just love this little bike for riding like we did today.
So until the next Valkyrie Adventure, thank the Lord for what you have for there are those that fair far worse.
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