This Plateau aides my area a lot by having storms coming out of the SW, W, or N from having serious weather issues a lot. The storms hit the Plateau and runs NE which often by-passes us.
We've ridden on the Plateau often and this ride was to run a new road or two. The area his some beautiful farms and lots of rolling hills. To get there you climb a mountain and then go back down it at a different location. No large mountains on the Plateau itself.
Biker friend Paul and I pulled out around 8:40 a.m. for our ride. Damp, cool and wet roads. It would get better in a few miles. Since it was so damp I decided to leave my camera in the storage compartment until we got closer to the area we were going to ride. Interstate riding had some nice shots but not at this time of the morning.
Cherrie trees were also blooming as well as some Azaleas and lots of bulb plants.
It is well known for crushed limestone as well as powdered limestone.
After our break we head out continuing to head northwesterly to take in a couple of loop roads before heading back to Seymour.
TN tax dollars at work along this stretch of highway. Big Tonka trucks moving lots of crushed rock and dirt to widen the highway.
Big Drilling Rigs with more Tonka trucks and trackhoes pictured here. That is a pretty big cut they are making here.
Still blue skies and puffy white clouds showing while the wheels are turning.
Seems the clouds are getting heavier and darker but progress continues.
Now we're getting really close to the Catoosa Wildlife Management area and near where our new road will take us.
The Plateau had some very large and beautiful farms. Lots of cattle and horses raised in this area. Looks like another one of those government disguised missile silos looming in the distance.
With all of the rains we've been having the ponds, lakes and rivers are catching up to full limit quickly. Makes some nice reflections. And everything is really green.
Little roller coaster hills just seem to ripple all around this place.
But meanwhile, the dark red leafed ornamental trees are a dark pretty contrast to the newer lighter green foliage.
Over the hills and through the woods off to, no, that's a verse from Little Red Riding Hood. We're just off exploring what's around the corner and over the hill.
The owner was babysitting her granddaughter who was about 2 yrs. old. This was her school bag. The dining area/grocery center was also her play room as it had colors and a coloring book on the floor.
Madelynn, between her grandmother's knees and another lady that had arrived bid us goodbye. Cute tyke but a little shy which is a good thing. Very nice folks.
Paul and I like to stop off at some of these local places. Unfortunately over the past couple of years a lot of them have closed down. They can't compete with the large chain stores.
Failure to stop at this intersection could cause you a lot of front-end damage if you notice the rock bluff across the highway.
Some more nice scenery and woodsy riding. To leave the road surface on either side of the road would spell a heap of hurt. Trees on one side and rock on the other. Seems to change sides from time to time.
I really like the rock formations in this area even though some of it looks a little unstable.
The woods are so thick that the roads just seem to vanish among the trees. It would be really dark here at night. There's no street lights and very few houses.
And that definitely looks like rain up ahead. I don't care what that patch of blue indicates, it's that darker area beyond that matters.
Aha, a change in direction looks much more promising.
Still dry so it lets you do some turning and burning on the curves.
I wonder if that pile of rocks was placed there as a marker for Big Foot territory. A bit odd but interesting.
Sprinkles of rain. Yep, last picture of the day. Paul suits up and I store the camera. Now its running TN 62 eastward which is a great curving sweeping bike road but today it will be a slower paced keep the tires on the road kind of ride. But even with that, it has been a great day. Rain has everyone cooped up so getting out today was a joy.
We had about 2 hours of drizzling rain on the way back to Seymour, it stopped just west of Oakridge, TN. From that point to the house was dry so we made up a little time. It was a great ride, 268 miles for me door to door and Redbug performed magnificently. And overall, we got just a little damp.
So until the next Valkyrie Adventure, I hope you stay safe, do something different, and enjoy your family members as much as possible. I do miss seeing my family members since I am so far away but their faces and voices are forever with me as I ride. May God enrich you and yours.
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