Entering the Smoky Mtn. Nat. Park on the Spur, that piece of road between Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg.
On US441 going through the Park and over the mountain to Cherokee. This is one of the great photographic pull-offs as you get into the Park. I have this same scene covered with snow and half covered with ice. Just keeps looking great.
You can tell at the lower elevations that Spring is coming to the Park. Leaves are starting to come out on some trees and the hardwoods make the blue haze of the mountains take on a light red color.
Not as much water as I thought it might have since it did rain a bit a day or so ago. Still enough to have that rushing water sound.
Closer to the top a good look at the various mountain tops.
One of the tunnels on the way over to Cherokee. No Elk, no Deer, no Turkeys today, just a few birds. After a while I pulled into Cherokee at a Hardee's for a cup and a breakfast sandwich. Topped off the fuel tank and was now going to head to the entrance to the southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway running it North to Asheville, NC.
There are only a few spots where you can get fuel or food along the BRP. I always like to start it with a full tank. Lots of winding curves and ups and downs before you get to Asheville. Temps dropped a bit crossing the mountain and is still nippy here at 10:30 a.m.
The BRP has numerous tunnels and each are named along with the various gaps in the mountains.
That slight reddish cast on the gray of the mountains are leaves coming out on hardwood trees.
Yep, Spring is coming but at the higher altitudes it moves a bit slower than down in the warm valleys. And they say it could snow up here again before summer comes.
At the crest or the highest point on the BRP. What a sight.
The two lone evergreen trees look rather lonely on this slope but doesn't take away from the beauty of the background.
I hit NC 191 over to I-26 and westward to I-40 west heading back towards the house. Wind had started picking up around 10:30 and was gradually increasing until now those flags were standing straight out. Side gusts made you stay alert and this wind was taking a tole on Sweet Thang's gas mileage.
Turn off to the visitor center after you cross over from NC to TN.
That bare spot is due to landslides. This stretch of highway has several each winter/Spring from the snow, thaw, freeze, rain, etc., often closing several lanes for weeks. A few years ago it closed the entire interstate route here for two months.
I-40 is still one of the prettiest interstate highways in the U.S. However, it also has a lot of truck traffic and some real tough curves for those loaded 18-wheelers, RVs and travel trailers.
I-40 meanders through the valleys of the mountains and in places runs along a river. Those barriers are in place to try and keep rocks from the roadway. But they only stop the smaller ones.
I bucked the wind until I got to the US411 turnoff at Newport, TN. Now I'm out of the hard winds of the open interstate and back into the small roads and trees.
Coming down the home stretch. It has been a great day for riding, bicycling, hiking or just walking along some path or street. A lot of people are out today enjoying the cool temps but beautiful weather.
For me, I was ending up a 242 mile ride with a lot of winding roadway traveled. I had a great time and Sweet Thang finished up this week with about 575 miles ridden. Not bad for this old girl. Now to gas her up and let her rest for a few days. I'll reverse the bikes and ride Little Hoss this coming week.
As the season warms up find some time to enjoy what we have in nature and your family members also. Maybe meet a stranger and give some aide to someone in need. Life is short and some people miss out on doing things until it's too late. So until the next Adventure drive/ride safe so that you can enjoy tomorrow.
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