Thursday, April 23, 2020

Picnic Ride With Wendy

April 22, 2020, Hump Day, was a beautiful Spring day.  Way to pretty to stay in the house and watch a whole lot of nothing.  So Wendy and I decided to take a motorcycle ride to enjoy the day.  We backed the bikes out of the garage and departed around 11:00 a.m. heading in a loop ride starting in a southerly direction.  She decided to bring a blanket so that we could have a picnic lunch on the grass someplace.  Good idea.  I haven't had a picnic lunch in ages.  I've eaten a lot using my bike as a picnic table, eaten sitting on my bike or leaning against it but to carry a blanket for such an occasion was not on my list.  Today was different.

The map below is the route we took today.  Since she hasn't ridden much this year I planned a route that would be easy on her with good roads and roads with minimum traffic except the Interstate 40 piece.  Her carpal tunnel left wrist can't handle too many of the roads Paul and I ride on.  Shoving that trike around is like pushing an ox cart forward from the back.
Wendy getting ready to pull out on her HD TriGlide.  I double checked all of the bolts and screws before we left.  LOL, the Devil made me do it.
We left the house, rode down Boyds Creek Hwy. to Chapman, crossed Chapman Hwy. and down US 411 to Maryville.
Wendy riding behind me towards Maryville.

We gassed up in Maryville (it's cheaper there than near the house) and headed on South on US 411 to Madisonville.
Nice rolling hills and a very blue sky.
At Madisonville we turned West on TN 68 over to Sweet Water.  By the time we got there it was time for lunch.  I pulled into a Hardee's, walked up to the drive-thru window to pick up our order while Wendy spread the blanket for our picnic lunch.

Picnic lunch and then we were off again heading over to Spring City.

On the road again to Spring City.
That red barn just shined sitting among the green grass.  Picture doesn't do it justice.
These were some out buildings on the same property as the red barn.
A far away look at the cooling towers for the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant.
A Transmission Tower sits on the island and is one that carries power from the Watts Bar Plant Station.  This is a TVA power plant, one of many plants and Hydros in Tennessee.
Clinch River, the cooling water source for the generating plant.

At Spring City we turned North to head to I-40 which we would take back towards the house.
Just a nice driveway to a home well off the highway.
A monument alongside the interstate highway.  Kind of odd.  Almost missed taking the picture.

We took I-140 from I-40 and later took the  Topside Rd. exit which will take us over to Alcoa Hwy. and John Sevier to US 441.

It was break time for a coffee and some water as we turned onto Topside Road.

It was a great day and a good safe ride.  Door to door was 178 miles.  We didn't stop to gas up so my bike is probably running on fumes, well not exactly, it hasn't gone into the reserve mode yet, but it needs some petrol.  Hers also.  Gives me something to do between rains.  We got back early enough that I had time to mow the lawn and check on the grass I planted a week back.  It's growing and is about 2" tall.  However it will need to have some replanting done as the heavy rains washed a lot of it down from its original planting spots.

So, until the next Valkyrie Adventure, stay safe from the virus and other issues that may harm you and/or your family and enjoy each day you have.  Keep in touch with family members especially us older folks.  Be thankful for what you have.  It's not permanent.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bald River Falls Ride, 4-16-2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020. Temps in high 40s at 10:00 a.m. when I pushed Sweet Thang out of the garage for a day in the sun and saddle.  I rode up to meet my Old, and I do mean Old, riding buddy, Paul for a good day of fun in the sun and knees in the breeze.  Our meet-up would be Weigle's at the corner of Chapman Hwy. and Boyds Creek Hwy.  Ride start was to be 11 a.m.

I needed to gas up so I left early to get there, gas up and grab a cup of coffee before he got there.  I slept in a bit this morning so had to hustle to get winter riding gear on, layers of clothes.  Feel sort of like an onion, put all that stuff on and as it gets warmer start peeling it off a layer at a time.

My view of the morning from the driveway at the house.
 Meet-up place getting ready to go in and get my coffee.
Heading down US 411 towards Maryville.  Most of our ride today was on lesser roadways.
UT Ag Center

 Golf course near Maryville.  I can't remember if it was Four, Fore or Five.  They were playing anyway.
Spring has definitely sprung even though the temperatures sometimes makes you think Winter is still around.  Looking at this green pasture and the trees lets you know that Spring is here.
I just love old barns.  And some in this area are quite large as they once had many dairies.  Very few these days.
A look down one of the county roads we traveled today.  Lanes are barely 8' wide.

And their not all straight either.
Tellico Lake, and pretty brown from all of the rain run off.

After about an hour and a half we pulled into a Hardee's in Vonore, TN.

That's when I noticed the writing on Paul's windshield.  I had not heard that he was selling his scooter but then I finished reading.  Seems a friend wrote that on it.  The same friend that gave him a sticker that reads Property Protected By Scooter Trash.  And I had to walk behind several pickups to get to the drive up window to order our burgers.  Paul of course got that picture.
We left Vonore and headed back in a southerly direction for our destination.
This took us back close to Tellico Village and an up-scale residential area, 1%ers Paul calls them.  High dollar neighborhood.

Lots of Dogwoods blooming as well as a lot of other flowering shrubs.  Very pretty on such a beautiful day.

Several of the roads had nice sweeper curves and since it had been a while since Sweet Thang had been on the road I kind of let her throttle up a bit.  Cold air gives her a deeper sound.

Nice farmland in this area.  And some areas already to have first cutting of hay done.
That dead stuff along the road hillside is Kudzu.  It hasn't come alive yet but just give it a few more weeks and away it goes.  

We came out to Cherohala Skyway from Hwy. 360.  This takes you along the river for a ways before we change direction again.  Water is clear and fast.  
Kayaking waters.
We turned off of the Cherohala to head to Bald River Falls, our destination of the day.
This river is also good for kayaking but you had better not be a novice.
Finally we arrived at Bald River Falls.

It is such a pretty sight and the sound of the rushing water.
A nice view from almost any angle.
Quite a few people out looking at it today along with a couple of kayakers.  Brave souls I suppose.  A lot of rocks to bang your head against.
After a bit we turned around to ride out, heading for home.
These next two pics show why you need to be a good kayaker.  That's about a 4' drop and fast too.
This is the area where one kayaker got into a bit of trouble but finally made it away safely.
A good reason to wear a helmet when kayaking.

And then we just ride back to the main highway.

Dogwood certainly stands out in the forest.  Won't be long before it will just be a green leaf tree.
Nice sweeper curve with a nice view.

And so the road goes, taking us back to our homes.  Just like this old barn was to the cows and horses, two old bikers make their way back to the feed trough.

A bit tired as I haven't ridden that much due to the Covid-19 issues.  But it was a good tired.  Waiting for the All Clear signal when we can go more places.

For me it was a 188 mile day.  Felt much better attitude wise as I am not a stay at home type of guy.  Too much RED in my actions.  So this was a very good day.  Probably a good day for Wendy since I wasn't at the house bugging her all day.

So until the next Valkyrie Adventure, stay safe, stay healthy and stay focused on those things that matter.  Remember to tell someone that you love them.  Life is short and not enough time spend arguing about things.  Just get together and do them.