Thursday, June 7, 2018. Bike buddy Paul and I ran some backroads from Seymour, TN up to Canton, NC area. I had forgotten to do a writing on this trip so most of what you're going to see are pictures along the way. We met up early at the usual place and made our journey of the day.
This was a daylight start so Ole Sol was already up and racing for a warm day.
My old favorite Island View School.
Eerie looking when you point the camera directly into the sun. Looks like a moonlit night. But it wasn't.
Hooked it up on I-40 for a ways to save some time. Paul just loves those big trucks.
A mountain view from the bridge crossing French Broad River.
Making our way up East of Dandridge, TN.

Very nice large old home.

Every day they probably sing "I hear a whistle blowing" with that RR track in the front yard.
Yep, that turn ahead was just that sharp. I wonder if the barn's owner ran out of red paint or maybe that was his intentions to make people like me wonder.

Farms, pastures, cows and lots of greenery and winding roads.
Lots of our rides seem to have highway shrinkage.
Not sure if this is a county road or a driveway. But we rode up it anyway. It was a highway.
Paul checking his GPS. He knows roads that Google doesn't know.
Another little narrow mountain road that leads to somewhere.

Quiet and peaceful back in this mountains.
Mailman can almost hand the mail to you while you're standing on the porch.
I title this one "Secluded".
Did I mention that there is a lot of Kudzu in this area.
Old tobacco barn.

And more Kudzu.

It's only enemy is a mower or automobile.

Clipped back onto the Interstate to speed up our ride a bit.

Riding into the mouth of the beast.
Inside the beast.
Square bales of hay. Don't see many of these, usually rolls.
A little mountain waterfall and right beside the road. No hiking to this one.

Coming back into the Canton, NC area. You can smell it a long way before you get there if the wind is blowing in the right direction.

Mountains and valleys and a nice day to ride.
Rolls of hay wrapped in white plastic. Looks like very large and long grub worms.

Pretty forested mountain side.

Rows made up for planting tomatoes. The plastic keeps the grass out.
Far off in the distance we ride toward home.

Country home in need of a landscaper.
Riding in the valley looking at scenery like this is very pleasing.
And churches are everywhere.
More beds for tomatoes waiting for the plants.
We've stopped in here before. This is where Paul pays me back for coffee I have bought him. Here it's $0.25 per cup.
Paul beside our trusty steeds.

Due to the rains in June the rivers were full.

This road had some construction going on so Paul scouted it out and then we turned around.

After reaching our destination we headed back toward the house. A nice full day of riding. For me it was 243 miles door to door. A very enjoyable day.
So until the next Valkyrie Adventure, enjoy life but do it safely.