Thursday, December 1, 2016

My Smoky Mountains In Tennessee

Thursday, December 1, 2016.

There has been numerous articles written or TV spots about the horrific fires and destruction that has occurred in the Smoky Mountains of TN and especially those areas around Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.  It is just heart breaking to see all of the destruction, the charred black remains of buildings and forests.  But you know, out of the storm comes the sun shining brightly and provides a ray of hope.  I was flooded in Harvey, LA five times before we relocated to East TN.  So I know how it feels to lose valuable memories, furnishings, all of the sweat you put into a place and then like the snap of your fingers, it is gone.  So I have a great heart feeling for my fellow Tennesseeans.

I know the forests have been blackened.  But I also know they will be green once again.  I visited the Yellowstone National Park about two years after it burned and it was amazing how Mother Nature and God restores the grounds to its splendor.  So that is how the Smoky Mtns. will be, black for now, green in a few years.

I do not want to dwell on the dark side of this tragic event but rather think of them as the were prior to the fires.  So this is how I remember my Smoky Mountains.





These pictures are how I will see those beautiful mountains until they are once again in their glory.  And not all is lost for there are many areas that were not harmed so these can still be enjoyed.  A lot of trails will be closed and maybe some roads but it won't take long for all of us to help get them back open again.  Peace and tranquility will once again inhabit this place.