This curvy road is within the city limits of Pigeon Forge. It is just about as good of a motorcycle road as you would want to find. Hilly and curvy along with being narrow. However, it does carry two way traffic.
After a bit we hit US 411 north toward Newport, TN. Our destinations were several gravel roads back into the mountains about 30 or 40 miles north of Newport. Heavy clouds today and no sun spotted until about 4:45 p.m.
Lots of old stuff to look at here and they hold a flea market on weekends too. I don't know if they won't sell some of the vehicles or their price is just too high.
Farther along the mountains get a bit closer and the pasture land in the valley makes a great foreground to them.
At Unincorporated "Chestnut Hill" you start to smell an aroma of something cooking. Well, here's the culprit. Bush's Beans. If you've ever eaten any of Bush's Beans they are processed at this plant.
This is the Bush's old farmhouse. It is in excellent condition and across the road is a cafeteria connected to the Bush's General Store. A lot of tours stop at the cafeteria. I don't know if it's to eat or just gas up. Maybe both.
Farther up the highway you cross and run along the side of the Holston River. With the heavy rains the night before it was out of its bank in some places and flowing fast enough to ride a surfboard. In fact, it was so high that the 4' waterfall was only about a foot drop today.
On pass Newport we take a route off US 25/70 onto TN 107. This will take us toward our destination. The area we were going to be riding in was in or along the Cherokee National Forest.
Our first destination. Road was pretty hard packed from the rain but the traveling distance was cut short due to the gate being closed. Then we arrive at our second destination where these bikes are parked only to be stopped once again.
This time the stoppage was due to a new culvert being put in and we had no way of going around it.
So U-turn and back onto the highway to the third destination. It was a few more miles up the highway. We were getting closer to the TN-NC state line.
A little blurry but this was once a grand old farm house. Today it's just a falling down relic of the past.
We turned here to head up to Rich Mountain. That green roof is not painted metal or green roofing shingles. The green is from algae so apparently it stays rather damp and cool here. Now we were going to run the gravel and climb in altitude.
The road was pretty good but every once in a while the dirt would be just above the rock and it would be a bit slippery. And you had to watch out for a few moderate chuck holes.
When we got to the curves we usually get on the highside to avoid the ripples that are caused from water running off. Of course some were okay but you never took anything for the absolute.
And with the wet leaves along the edge of the road you wanted to make sure you stayed away from them for they are as slippery as banana peelings.
And running off the road was not in the plane either for it was a long long way to the bottom and a lot of trees to bounce off of on the way down.
Getting farther up the mountain you could feel the temperature getting colder. It really wasn't that windy but any little breeze made you feel the cold to the bone. Well, at least one layer of fat.
Remember, our tires are not the off-road knobby type so this makes you travel even slower.
You could get a pretty good view now that the leaves are gone but in the summer you would only see the near trees and a lot of green.
And then the road started getting a bit steeper. Mostly a first and second gear traverse going up. And about the same coming down using only the rear brake. Remember, stay off the front brake when on loose gravel.
I stopped long enough to take this picture of the water racing down the hill in this little stream.
A wee waterfall right next to me. The sound of that water flowing just seems to lull you to sleep.
Then we reached the place in the road where TN and NC meet up. Friend Paul standing by his bike. After a little chat and another pic or two we headed up from there to Rich Mountain Firetower.
We went a few miles up toward the fire tower but there was a pretty deep washout at an angle across the road. We decided it was not safe with the soft dirt on the edge we would cross it so we parked and walked up a bit. Then decided as it was 4 p.m. we had better delay this and get back on the road for the house.
It was a good ride in spite of the detours and one we'll make again when the weather is a bit more cooperative. On our way back just below the jct. of 107 and 25/70 we made a stop at the little country deli to grab a cup of coffee and warm up. Needed to check cell phones also. Yep, had two calls but no signal. So we had to get back near Newport to pick up a signal. This would need to be remembered when you decided to get off the grid, enjoy some peace and quiet but you would have to be very careful because you would have no 911 call ability.
Total mileage today door to door was 164. Not a long ride but a good ride. Will be doing some house stuff Friday but who knows what Saturday and Sunday afternoon will bring. Until the next adventure, sleep well, take care of yourself and others and enjoy life.